1. 金鸡独立
成语解释:形容坚强、独立的精神和态度。(Independent and self-reliant)
2. 金鸡报晓
成语解释:比喻早晨天亮,或比喻揭发真相。(At the crack of dawn; To reveal the truth)
3. 金鸡喜翻
成语解释:比喻获得意外的好消息,极为高兴。(To be extremely happy due to unexpected good news)
4. 金鸡荐饭
成语解释:比喻黄天当国,时局繁荣。(A metaphor for the prosperity of the country during a stable period)
5. 金鸡跃墙
成语解释:比喻人非常灵活,能够克服困难,撞破障碍。(Metaphor for being highly agile and able to overcome obstacles)
6. 金鸡百噱
成语解释:比喻以花言巧语,骗取他人信任。(To deceive others with flattering words and tricks)
7. 金鸡奖杯
成语解释:比喻对人或事的一种鼓励或奖励。(To give encouragement or reward to someone or something)
8. 金鸡探母
成语解释:比喻寻找X或寻找失散的亲人。(To search for one’s biological mother or lost relatives)
9. 金鸡晨鸣
成语解释:比喻新时代的到来或表示振奋精神。(Metaphor for the arrival of a new era or an uplifting spirit)
10. 金鸡绽朝
成语解释:比喻事物蓬勃发展,充满朝气。(Metaphor for thriving and full of vitality)
11. 金鸡刺玉
成语解释:比喻音乐、文艺作品中嘹亮、激越、感人的曲调或音乐声音。(A metaphor for melodious, passionate, and moving music or sound in music and literary works)
12. 金鸡萧索
成语解释:形容寂静无声,无人的景象。(Describes a quiet and desolate scene with no one around)